
U.K.'s Black Watch to take on Iraq terrorists
The Black Watch is being deployed as part of a US Marine expeditionary unit to take "decisive action" against insurgents in Iraq, Chief of the Defence Staff General Sir Michael Walker has revealed. General Walker stressed the 850-strong battle group, whose deployment was announced yesterday by Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon, would retain their own rules of engagement. But he said they would be under the "tactical command" of the relevant American corps commander.

General Walker also repeated the Government's promise that the Black Watch would be home by Christmas, saying that, even if they needed replacing in Iraq, those resources already existed within the Multi National Force. "This is all about capabilities not numbers," General Walker told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme. "The Multi National Force corps commander wants to redeploy his troops within his corps, including our battle group in concert with them on behalf of the Iraqi government.
Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-10-23