
Hamas calls for reform, may participate in elections
The leaders of the radical Hamas movement called Wednesday on the Palestinian National Authority to begin internal reforms as soon as possible and hinted that they would be willing to participate in municipal elections. Senior Hamas member Mahmoud Al Zahar told a Gaza conference that it is time to set up a preparatory popular committee to work in the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and prepare for reforms. "[Hamas'] program is not to elect another Palestinian Authority that would last for another three years. We want to put an everlasting program on how to run the conflict [with Israel] and build up a united Palestinian society," said Al Zahar.

Al Zahar called for the establishment of a committee to work under the PLO, hinting that Hamas may agree to participate in the elections. "We must activate municipal and local elections into institutions and student councils," said Al Zahar. "Going into such a process might help us to a great extent to get out of this national impasse."

The conference, arranged by the Palestinian Council for Foreign Affairs, which is headed by Palestinian lawmaker Zeya Abu Amer, also included representatives of the PNA as well as other PLO factions.

Jamil Al Majdalawi, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), told the conference that all of those Palestinian factions and groups who are calling for reforms should take responsibility to achieve success in the coming period. He said that change and reform in the PNA and Palestinian society must be carried out for the sake of the battle for freedom and independence.
I suppose this is a start, but they see reforms as a method of consolidation and being able to wage a more efficient war against the Israelis.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-22