
Hildebeest Campaign Pressuring Lester Holt To Act As More Than A Moderator
The first presidential debate is Monday night at 9 p.m. ET. NBC’s Lester Holt will be the moderator, and I want to believe that he’ll be objective.

But the Clinton campaign isn’t happy with him, even though the debate hasn’t even happened yet. They’re actually pressuring Holt to take on a more "active" role in the debate, because Hillary can’t possibly present her vision for America and point out Trump’s factual inaccuracies at the same time. That’s not fair to her! Holt needs to help Hillary and continuously challenge Trump!

"It’s unfair to ask for Hillary both to play traffic cop with Trump, make sure that his lies are corrected, and also to present her vision for what she wants to do for the American people," Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook said on ABC’s "This Week."

Even George Stephanopoulos pressed Mook. Isn’t that the point of debating? Presenting your argument and disputing your opponent’s? That’s what you do in a debate. But Mook said this election is unlike anything we’ve ever witnessed before, so an exception should be made.
Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 2016-09-26