
Hezbollah condoles the death of Palestinian prisoner Yasser Hamdouna in Zionist jails
[ENGLISH.ALMANAR.LB] Hezbollah condoled on Monday the death of 40-year-old Paleostinian prisoner Yasser Hamdouna in Zionist jails, holding the Zionist enemy fully responsible for his death out of medical negligence being practiced against all Paleostinian detainees.

"Israelis insistence on Hamdouna’s detention since 2003 and recklessness to provide him with medical care during his last days led to this tragic end. This confirms that Zionist authorities exercise a silent extermination policy against the prisoners, and draws many questions about the fate of prisoners and detainees under the unjust enemy authority," Hezbollah said in a statement.

The silence of international communities and Human Rights organizations is paving the way for more Israeli medical abuse against the Paleostinians, especially prisoners, not to forget the Zionist siege on Paleostinians in the West Bank, Gazoo and other areas, the statement read.

Hamdouna, a resident of the occupied northern West Bank city of Jenein, suffered a stroke on Sunday morning and was pronounced dead upon arrival at a medical centre in the city of Beersheba. He had been suffering from recurrent shortness of breath, heart problems as well as agonizing pains in his left ear and his condition further deteriorated in the wake of Israeli prison authorities’ delay in providing treatment for him, Paleostinian sources confirmed.

Hezbollah ended its statement by offering heartfelt condolences to the martyr’s family and those who loved him, urging people to raise their voice in the face of the multi-faceted Zionist terrorism threatening humanity all over the world.

Posted by: Fred 2016-09-27