
Serena Williams Joins The Ranks Of The SJW's
Deadspin's assumed the mantle of New Gawker, with every third post that's not an advertisement looking a lot like this self-righteous bullshit. Allow me the time and space to take a nice, steaming shit on the lot of them:
Today I asked my 18 year old nephew (to be clear he’s black) to drive me to my meetings so I can work on my phone #safteyfirst. In the distance I saw cop on the side of the road. I quickly checked to see if he was obliging by the speed limit. Than I remembered that horrible video of the woman in the car when a cop shot her boyfriend. All of this went through my mind in a matter of seconds. I even regretted not driving myself. I would never forgive myself if something happened to my nephew. He’s so innocent. So were all "the others"

I am a total believer that not "everyone" is bad It is just the ones that are ignorant, afraid, uneducated, and insensitive that is affecting millions and millions of lives.

Why did I have to think about this in 2016? Have we not gone through enough, opened so many doors, impacted billions of lives? But I realized we must stride on- for it’s not how far we have come but how much further still we have to go.

I than wondered than have I spoken up? I had to take a look at me. What about my nephews? What if I have a son and what about my daughters?

As Dr. Martin Luther King said " There comes a time when silence is betrayal".





In other words, not a god damn thing happened to her on this occasion; indeed, the worst outcome would have been a speeding ticket. Yet the logically deficient do not let the mere lack of facts dissuade them from making a grandiose public declaration that we have to do something to fight 'racial inequality and police violence'. It bears repeating - nothing of the sort happened here, so it is now only speculation and conjecture that are required to allow yourself to pronounce your moral superiority to others who didn't do a god damned thing to you to cause harm, and let the rest of the dumb fucks like the hateful, smug hipster leftists at Deadspin (but I repeat myself) that dutifully reprint this fucking garbage without the slightest bit of reading comprehension (it's clear that none of them are actual journalists; they might have picked up on this point, no?), since it fits their hateful, smug hipster leftist agenda, who can't see through this ruse and expect everybody (read - WHITE FOLK!) to drop to their knees and grovel before them and beg for forgiveness before your morally superior set of comped Nikes. The equally moronic trained seals that comprise Deadspin's commenting section? Out of 28 comments, not one of them made this point that nothing happened, yet they hold themselves out to be quite the clever bunch. Yeah, like I'm convinced...

You know one area where Serena will stay silent? Ask her about steroid use.

Posted by: Raj 2016-09-28