
Entire State Of South Australia Suffers Power Blackout
The reason - too much dependence on 'renewables', which also makes that region's electricity the most expensive. That is, when it's available.
[WattsUpWithThat] The entire state of South Australia suffered a complete power black out on Wednesday September 28 plugging it’s nearly 1.7 million residents, communities and businesses into darkness.

Loss of available power from transmissions lines feeding the region from other states coupled with South Australia’s ill-considered climate change energy policy of forced shutdown of the states operating coal plants to promote heavy use of renewable energy created this latest power debacle.

Last July the state barely averted energy black outs when reduced outside electrical energy supplies forced huge and costly purchases of needed power to restore electrical system reliability.(http://theconversation.com/south-australias-electricity-price-woes-are-more-due-to-gas-than-wind-62824)
Rest at link. Next up - California, home of cow flatulence regulation.
Posted by: Raj 2016-09-29