
Saudi embassy in Pakistan receives grenade threat
The Saudi ambassador to Pakistan said Monday his embassy had been sent a package packed with grenades threatening the Saudis with an attack if they did not leave Pakistan. Ambassador Ali ben Awad Assyri said the package, which appeared to be a gift from the leader of Pakistan's ruling political party, was sent to his deputy, Abdullah al Omari. Inside, he said, were several grenades and a threatening letter.
Sure it wasn't just a wedding present?
In an interview on the Arab-language Al-Arabiya TV network, Assyri said he believed the al Qaeda terrorist network was behind the threat. Assyri said that six months ago the head of a Saudi school in Pakistan was also sent a threatening package. He said that one contained bullets. Assyri said the Saudis have no intention of withdrawing their diplomatic mission from Pakistan and are working with Pakistani security officials.
Posted by: Steve 2004-10-25