
The Misguided Establishmentarian Right
As I recently said about the Pegster: the slowest kid in the class finally gets it...
The case of Peggy Noonan.

Amongst Republicans there are two kinds of Trump-haters: the never-Trumpers who boast that they’ll never support him, and the non-never-Trumpers who say they’ll do so, but only by holding their noses. By their timidity, the latter reveal the tragic flaw that has prevented Republicans from winning elections. They’ll advance their arguments in favor of the Trump issues, and then go on to express their contempt for the man who had the courage to articulate them. Winners don’t do this sort of equivocating.

It’s like the codas one finds in medieval courtly literature, such as De Amore (The Art of Courtly Love), by Andreas Capellanus, believed to be a Capuchin monk. In this delightful discourse on love, Capellanus teaches how ladies and gentlemen should properly prosecute a love affair. The lover is ardent; his love object is doubtful. It’s all very beautiful. At the end, however, a retraction of the entire concept is required, lest the work be deemed improper by the Church. So there’s a coda, where the worldly priest exonerates himself by describing how disgusting women are and warning men to resist their natural inclinations lest they burn in everlasting hell.

In a variation on this method, Peggy Noonan, Conservatism’s sweetheart, describes four of Hillary’s transgressions, while exonerating herself by damning Donald Trump as well.

Just because I condemn her, doesn’t mean I like him, she protests, and thereby betrays her weakness.

First, there’s Hillary’s Russian connection, including the Uranium One scandal. This is where the Clintons, while Hillary was Secretary of State, pushed forward a number of deals backed by the State Department, which resulted in Russia owning large uranium stakes in Kazakhstan and the U.S. In this way, Russia acquired means to make nuclear fuel and, in return, the Clinton Foundation received $31 million and a pledge of an additional $100 million from one of the principles, and Bill Clinton received $500,000 for giving a speech.

In another deal, Secretary Clinton pushed for a joint U.S.-Russian technology initiative which gave Russia access to U.S. classified and sensitive information, as well to emerging technologies. In return, shares in the consortium were handed out to investors who were also Clinton Foundation donors. Some in the State Department were alarmed, but the Clintons were hugely enriched.

Read the whole thing
Posted by: badanov 2016-10-18