
Al-Qaeda praises Zarqawi
"He's so neat!"
The Saudi wing of Al Qaeda has praised Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the US's top foe in Iraq, saying his pledge of allegiance to Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden would foil "crusader" plans in the region. "This will deprive the people of the cross [Christians] of sleep, thwart their plans and retard their campaign," Al Qaeda Organisation in the Arabian Peninsula said. "They said at the start of their war on Muslims that a main aim was to eradicate Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and now Al Qaeda has spread globally. "No doubt, this is a big indicator that victory is near... and will irk the enemies of Islam who thought that with their war in Iraq they were nearer to uprooting Islam from its last bastions but Iraq turned into hell for them." The praise is contained in the latest issue of the group's web magazine.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-10-27