
Jumblat Says Hariri Committing Suicide
[An Nahar] Head of the Democratic Gathering parliamentary bloc MP Walid Wally Jumblat
... Druze politician, head of the Progressive Socialist Party, who's been on every side in Leb at least four times. He'll sell you his friends for a dollar, but family comes higher because of shipping and handling...
is expected to call his bloc for a meeting on Saturday for talks on the latest developments as for the presidential file, as he believes that Hariri is committing suicide shall he nominate MP Michel Aoun
...a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hizbullah...
for the post, al-Akhbar daily reported on Thursday.

Democratic Gathering MPs quoted Jumblat as saying that he "understands" Speaker Nabih Knobby Berri
Speaker of the Lebanese parliament, a member of AMAL, a not very subtle Hizbullah sock puppet...
's reservation on the way in which Aoun's name was put forward by al-Mustaqbal
... the Future Movement, political party led by Saad Hariri...
Movement chief Saad Hariri
Second son of Rafik Hariri, the Leb PM who was assassinated in 2005. He has was prime minister in his own right from 2009 through early 2011. He was born in Riyadh to an Iraqi mother and graduated from Georgetown University. He managed his father's business interests in Riyadh until his father's assassination. When his father died he inherited a fortune of some $4.1 billion, which won't do him much good if Hizbullah has him bumped off, too.
Jumblat believes that "Hariri has acted improperly with Berri. He let him down," as he pointed out that "the problem does not lie in Aoun's election but in the process post-elections."

He asked: "Is the (former) PM (Hariri) aware of the negative aspects of his decision if Aoun was elected and Speaker Berri decides to boycott the government? Will Hariri then form a government composed solely of Hizbullah
...Party of God, a Leb militia inspired, founded, funded and directed by Iran. Hizbullah refers to itself as The Resistance and purports to defend Leb against Israel, with whom it has started and lost one disastrous war to date, though it did claim victory...
ministers which is rated by Hariri's allies in the Gulf as terrorist? Is he going to form a government with terrorists?"

Sources to Jumblat quoted him as saying that "head of Mustaqbal is committing suicide because no one will be subject to problems like him."

As for the decision of the PSP leader, Jumblat, on Aoun's nomination, the sources said that he is still hesitant.

If a comprehensive national agreement on Aoun was not reached in Jumblat's bloc when the election session is due, it is likely for PSP leader to let his bloc's partisan MPs vote for Aoun leaving freedom of choice for non-partisan deputies, concluded the sources.
Posted by: Fred 2016-10-21