
Repentant Yemeni al-Qaeda to be pardoned
Yemen will release dozens of detainees suspected of belonging to al-Qaida after they have repented and renounced violence, reports said Monday. The daily September 26, which reflects the government position, said "dozens of people detained for belonging to al-Qaida but who have announced their repentance ... will be among prisoners expected to be released by presidential pardon" before the end of Ramadan. The paper quoted sources as saying those who will be released "have signed a commitment to respect the constitution and laws and to refrain from violence and from harassing foreigners whose countries are linked to Yemen with treaties and agreements." The sources noted only al-Qaida suspects who were not involved in any violent or criminal acts will be released. Hammoud Hattar, head of the government's committee for dialogue with extremists, said between 80 and 90 suspects will be released in the coming few days. The Yemeni government has released 353 al-Qaida suspects in the last two years.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-10-27