
What would a bloody Islamist attack on western civilians after November 1 mean for the election?
by anon1

Hello Burgers

November 1 marks the start of Safar in the Islamic moon calendar.

It's month 2 of the year 1438 for them.

This is significant for terrorism because while jihadi attacks can occur all year round, we are just coming out of 3 "holy" months where warfare is frowned upon.

Safar by contrast is a month of retribution where warfare is actively encouraged.

SO the ultra devout Islamic State jihadis, hidden among the Muslim migrants like so many exploding currants in nasty bun, may take this opportunity to come out and play.

It will likely be a Red November and probably a Red December too. Our intelligence agencies cannot be prepared for this because they are not allowed to think terrorism has anything to do with Islam. It's just countering "violent extremism" and what have neo-nazis or environmental activists got to do with the innocent Islamic moon calendar?

What will this mean for the US election? It's on November 8.

There might not be an explosion of pent-up Jihadi aggression on November 1 it might not be till November 15 or 20

or it could be November 7 or November 2

Whatever, it's coming in November sure as the moon rises.

Will the media be able to lie to the public now that social media is censored? and google is also censored?

Will it be reported as "neo-nazis"?

Will it thus help hillary and not Trump?
Posted by: anon1 2016-10-22