
Wikileaks reveals how Dems got Chief Justice Roberts to FOLD on Obamacare
Emails from Wikileaks reveal how Democrats got Chief Roberts to fold on Obamacare. He wasn't blackmailed, he wasn't threatened. He was just... persuaded.

From the Wall Street Journal [Paywalled]:

This week's leaks show Hillary Clinton ally Neera Tanden laying out a strategy to intimidate the Supreme Court to uphold ObamaCare.

Ms. Tanden runs the Center for American Progress, the think tank that is essentially an arm of the Clinton campaign. CAP's former chief, John Podesta, is now the Clinton campaign chairman, and on June 2, 2015 Ms. Tanden sent an email to Jake Sullivan, a key Clinton aide, copying Mr. Podesta and Jennifer Palmieri, another campaign operative.

...Ms. Tanden wrote that, "As Jennifer will remember, it was pretty critical that the President threw the gauntlet down last time on the Court, warning them in the first case that it would politicize the role of the Court for them to rule against the ACA. As a close reader of the case, I honestly believe that was vital to scaring Roberts off."

Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 2016-10-24