
Reported vote fraud in recent days
Collected from Drudge Report, Instapundit, and elsewhere.
Voter Fraud In Minnesota [updated]
Oct 29, 2016
[PowerLine] That’s a big topic, as Minnesota’s same-day registration scheme is notoriously subject to–in fact, invites–abuse. But a group called Minnesota Voters Alliance has brought to light another problem: substantial numbers of felons, among others, are illegally being allowed to vote, because Minnesota’s Secretary of State refuses to follow the law. Yesterday, lawsuits were commenced by three election judges:
Power Line has a voter fraud tag here with lots of stories -- they've been blogging on the subject for years.
Two Dade County Florida Campaign Operatives Arrested For Voter Fraud…
Oct 28, 2016
[ConservativeTreehouse] We noted earlier that Broward and Dade County (FL) held a particular importance for Democrats around two issues: Electing Hillary Clinton and supporting John Morgan’s legalized marijuana initiative. Neither is possible without overwhelming support from Broward and Dade county. There has been some very sketchy activity.

Today, news breaks of two women in Dade County who were arrested as part of an election fraud scheme:
Conservative Treehouse has a voter fraud tag here with some interesting stories, but most of the stories do not merit that particular tag, in my opinion.
2 Investigators: Chicago Voters Cast Ballots From Beyond The Grave
Oct 27, 2016
[CHICAGO (CBS)]Susie Sallee was buried in 1998. Yet records show she voted in Chicago 12 years later.

Victor Crosswell died in 1994, but records show he’s voted six times since then.

And then there’s Floyd Stevens. Records show he’s voted 11 times since his death in 1993.

Action News Investigation: Voting From The [Philadelphia] Grave
Oct 29, 2016
[6ABC] The key to one of the most contentious presidential elections in history could be right here in the Keystone state.

Republican candidate Donald Trump has made allegations of fraud at polls in the City of Philadelphia. So, Action News dug through a decade's worth of election and death records to see if there was any truth to the claim. Some of what Action News investigation found was stunning.

Rita A. Pezzano, who passed a decade ago, was found listed as an active voter. Her daughter-in-law was shocked when we shared the news. Pezzano passed in 2006. But state voting records show the South Philadelphia native still listed as an "Active Voter" who cast ballots in 2008, 2012, 2014, and the 2016 primary election.

Drudge links to an Oct 28 InfoWars story: Maryland Trump Supporter: They Switched My Vote To Hillary
InfoWars has a video with the unnamed woman who claims her vote was flipped, but no additional evidence. The key take away for me from this and the referenced Texas vote flipping story is to vote each individual, rather than telling the machine to vote the Republican party ticket where that is an option. And always check to make sure your choices are actually reflected in the final result.

Instapundit has a vote fraud tag here.

Posted by: trailing wife 2016-10-31