
Donald Trump In Golden: ‘We Will Drain The Swamp’
[DENVER.CBSLOCAL] A rally for Donald Trump in Golden drew thousands of Colorado supporters.

Trump spoke for close to an hour at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. The Republican presidential candidate promised to make health care affordable, to create jobs, and to restore honesty to the government.

"When we win on Nov. 8, we will drain the swamp," said Trump to a cheering crowd.

Supporters packed the rodeo arena and expressed optimism for a win in the upcoming presidential election.

Trump was quick to jump on the Affordable Care Act, saying that his opponent, if elected, would double down on a plan that didn’t work.

... aka the Affordable Care Act, an ineptly designed and worse executed piece of legislation designed to bring 17 percent of the U.S. economy under the direct control of the government. The previous iteration, known as Hillarycare, was laughed out of Washington. This stinker was passed on a party-line vote without being read...
is a total catastrophe for Colorado," Trump said. "Doctors are quitting, companies are fleeing, and deductibles are going so high ... we will have a plan that is so much better and that is so much less expensive."

Trump vowed to put a stop to government corruption, to lower taxes for businesses, and to end illegal immigration.

"I am going to keep radical Islamic Lions of Islam the hell out of our country," he said.

A small group of protesters chanted outside of the arena as supporters left once the rally was over.

"This is my neighborhood. (Trump) came into it, and so I felt I needed to stand up," said one Jefferson County resident, Whitney Mitchell, who held a sign that read, "No Grabbing."
If I'd been there I would have asked Whitney if that applied to Hillary and money...

Posted by: Fred 2016-10-31