
After another release of documents, FBI finds itself caught in a partisan fray
Yesterday, there was a buzz around the internet that something was coming or happening. It's still not clear whether or not it's happened. However, today, a lead article at WAPO and a provocative headline at Drudge would indicate that something is going on. These headlines are: WASH POST LEAD WEDNESDAY: FBI SPOOKS--"GOV'T INSIDERS HELPING ASSANGE?" Moreover, there are several stories on the alt-news at YouTube sites that discuss these events. There seem to be a lot of moving parts to this story
[WashingtonPost] The surprise tweet from a little-used FBI account came about 1 p.m. Tuesday, announcing that the agency had published on its website 129 pages of internal documents related to a years-old investigation into former president Bill Clinton’s pardon of a fugitive Democratic donor.

The seemingly random reminder of one of the darkest chapters of the Clinton presidency a week before the election drew an immediate rebuke from Hillary Clinton’s campaign -- with its spokesman tweeting that the FBI’s move was "odd" and asking whether the agency planned to publish unflattering records about Republican candidate Donald Trump.

"Will FBI be posting docs on Trump’s housing discrimination in ’70s?" asked Brian Fallon.

For the second time in five days, the FBI had moved exactly to the place the nation’s chief law enforcement agency usually strives to avoid: smack in the middle of partisan fighting over a national election, just days before the vote.

The publication of the files related to the Marc Rich pardon inquiry, which agency officials said was posted automatically in response to pending public records requests, came as the Clinton campaign and Democratic lawmakers continued to fume over FBI Director James B. Comey’s decision with less than two weeks before the election to announce that he was effectively resuming a review of Hillary Clinton’s email practices.

Vid that has appeared at several internet sites and at Drudge. Intelligence countercoup? Intelligence agencies working with Assange. Salt or not?
Posted by: JohnQC 2016-11-02