
Sorry Divers: You're Not Exempt From Teh War On Wimminz
Diver magazine link.

Photo at the top slightly undermines the point

I need to check Woodworking Magazine to see if there's any juicy SJWisms to trigger muh feelz over there as well.

When we speak of media bias, it's important to remember that we're not just talking about the usual suspects like NYT, CNN, etc.

This crap is EVERYWHERE--which is what makes it so insidious.
Well. I shall relate an experience.

One of my best friends and dearest colleagues at work is a woman in my specialty. She's an outstanding clinical investigator in her area and (if one is sufficiently shallow as a western male to rate these things) quite attractive. As a young faculty person she, like the rest of us, would go to our annual national professional meeting. There was, at one part of the conference center (think of a place like Moscone in SF or McCormick in Chicago) the usual vendor fair with all the pharma companies, equipment makers, publishers, etc.

I tell you this because one of the major vendors each year offered medical exercise testing equipment for "cardiopulmonary" exercise testing as part of their booth. This was a treadmill or ergometer with computers, accessories, and so on for clinical testing. It was quite a rig, took up a lot of area at the booth, and was quite expensive to purchase or lease.

And always, always, always, every year without fail, the vendor would have a "representative" -- a professional model -- on the treadmill to demonstrate the rig. And she always, always, always wore pink or lavender spandex.

Understand that spandex isn't a requirement to be tested. If you're a patient undergoing one of these tests you're advised to wear comfortable exercise clothes. So you'd have to be particularly clueless to miss the point of the professional model (always blonde, by the way) in pink spandex.

My colleague decided that she had had enough. So one afternoon she approached the vendor's chief representative at the conference and quietly read him the riot act -- that she, my colleague, would put the word out to everyone she knew that no one, NO ONE, should buy this vendor's equipment because of the odious sexism. She didn't make a public scene but she made clear that if disregarded she would go to war.

The next day the model on the treadmill was wearing sweats.

And the conference the following year? No model. Lo and behold, you didn't need a model in pink spandex to sell medical testing equipment. Who would have ever guessed?

My admiration for my colleague, already quite high, grew even more after that.

My point? Yes, a fair bit of what's in the news today is nonsense perpetrated by fools and feminists. But there indeed sexism in our society, and we have to be willfully blind not to acknowledge when we see it.

All that to say this: I looked at the Diver article at the link. The woman has a point.

Posted by: charger 2016-11-06