
Am I A Bad Person?
I've been spending the past hour sending e-mails to the dipwads at Deadspin (i.e., Gawker 2.0). Specifically, the ones who don't want to stick to sports and feel like opining about what an awful person Trump is and how we're racists, sexists, bigots, homophobes, xenophobes and more, just for supporting him.

There's a lot of butthurt over there today, and I've sent out four e-mails; three of them were basically shoving their noses into a pile of shit while the fourth one was much more professional in tone, simply pointing out that his political instincts and analysis were all wrong.

Here's my question - do I keep kicking sand in their faces, or should I stop here? I should probably opt for the latter, lest they start talking to each other and decide to go after me, which would be nice, as it would allow me to point out their intolerance.


A Straight White Self-Employed Male

Posted by: Raj 2016-11-09