
Stars shine on Kerry: astrologers
By Uttara Choudhury in New Delhi
INDIAN astrologers say that the planets favour Democratic candidate John Kerry to win the White House race over US President George W. Bush in next Tuesday's polls. "For months opinion polls have shown the race between Bush and Kerry, his challenger, to be neck and neck," author and astrologer Lachhman Das Madan, who also heads the Astrology Study and Research Institute in Delhi, said. "But the cosmic writ reveals Bush cannot become the president of the US again. On the other hand, Kerry's horoscope shows that Saturn is in the third house from the moon which is highly favourable. The planets Mercury and Mars in the fifth and third house have exchanged positions. Success in competition is certain ... Kerry will be the new president." Madan made news after he predicted former Indian premier Rajiv Gandhi would meet a "violent end" three months before his May 1991 assassination by a woman suicide bomber said by India to be a member of Sri Lanka's Tamil separatists.
Oh. Well. I guess I'll stay home on Tuesday...

Posted by: phil_b 2004-10-30