
R. Kelly gone in flash!
"If I could fly"R. Kelly hip-hopped out of a concert with Jay-Z at Madison Square Garden last night after he told the sold-out crowd he saw two men in the audience waving guns at him.
"Feet, don't fail me now!"
Then the R&B star got a face full of pepper spray backstage and ended up in the hospital, his spokesman said.
"Where'd you learn to sing? You suck!" [Pffffttt!]
Garden security checked the audience, found no guns and let the show go on. Jay-Z enlisted some high-wattage help, including Usher, to keep fans rocking. The incident left tonight's show up in the air, Jay-Z said early this morning.
"I don't think he's stopped yet!"
Kelly bailed out of the concert an hour into the scheduled 2-1/2-hour show and was taken to St. Vincent's Medical Center in an ambulance, said his spokesman, Allan Mayer. "He was brought to the emergency room and had his eyes flushed," Mayer said. "It appears he will be okay and will spend the night in his hotel room. And he is ready, willing and able to perform Saturday."
"Don't make me go back there!"
Kelly walked out of the hospital at 1:25a.m. "I'm gonna be there tomorrow to go with the show," he said.
"Them guyz is gone, right?"
Mayer said cops told him their main concern was keeping the concert crowd peaceful and that an arrest in the spraying could come today. Police had no immediate comment.
"Stop rolling your eyes like that, Mulligan! And you, Riley! Stop that giggling!"
Kelly and Jay-Z have been headlining their "Best of Both Worlds" tour amid rumors of a chilly relationship between them. Kelly, who faces child porn charges, has shown up late or left early for a number of performances on the tour. Early this morning, Jay-Z lit into his colleague in an interview on 105.1-FM, detailing Kelly's misses. "When I do the best of what I do, he had a problem with it," Jay-Z said.
"He's obviously jealous of my search for excellence. I can sing. He can get the pants off 13-year-olds."
Last night's show began about 8:30 p.m. with both artists on stage for a set, then Kelly performed alone followed by a solo set by Jay-Z. When Kelly came back for his second set, he told the audience he couldn't continue - but that he wasn't going to notify security. He was apparently Maced in a corridor a short time later, concert sources said.
I'm sure anybody would have done the same...
Jay-Z picked up the slack and more with the help of some friends including Foxy Brown, Ja Rule and Mary J. Blige. "The good news is I have a lotta hits and I'm going hold you down New York. I'm gonna give you your money's worth."
Ummm... These guys are all voting for Kerry, right? Tell me they're Kerry supporters...

Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-10-30