
Bulletproof Mind: 6 Secrets of Mental Toughness From the Navy SEALs
[Observer] Brandon Webb was not about to break.

'Fuck you, Instructor Buchanan -- fuck you. The only way you’re getting me out of here is in a body bag.'

It was the middle of "Hell Week," a full week of physical and mental torture that all trainees must endure in order to become a member of the Navy SEALs -- the most elite special forces unit on the planet.

Webb had come in with far worse physical conditioning than everyone else. And he had a bit of an ego. Not a good sign. The instructors wanted him gone.

Despite the odds (only 1 in 7 of trainees make it through) and the "special" treatment from instructors, Webb went on to become an accomplished Navy SEAL sniper.

Why did Webb succeed where so many others fail?
...continued @ link...
Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 2016-11-27