
Moore Makes Last Effort to Cash In on 'Fahrenheit'
For a guy who loves to bash Republicans and conservatives as purveyors of selfishness and greed, filmmaker Michael Moore seems determined to emulate that kind of behavior. The vitriolic anti-Bush propagandist is making one last pre-election offer of his schlockumentary "Fahrenheit 9/11," in which he blames the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on President Bush, for viewing online. Apparently Moore's left-wing activism against this president knows no bounds. He has made it clear he will stop at nothing to ensure his defeat. Election Day is mere hours away, and still Moore is working steadfastly to bring his defeatist message to as many potential voters as he can. But there's a catch: It'll cost you.

The Associated Press is reporting that CinemaNow, an Internet movie provider, will show the film Monday night to viewers who log on to the company's Web site and fork over $9.95. In case you miss that showing and you either want to gloat over Bush's defeat or share your angst at his victory, CinemaNow's boss, Curt Mavis, told AP "9/11" will be shown again in December. The film earned more than $100 million during its theatrical release - a record for a "documentary." And it hit store video shelves earlier this month
Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-11-01