
Explosive PROOF Hillary rigged election!?
Throughout the 2016 presidential election, President-elect Donald Trump warned repeatedly that his opponent, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, would attempt to undermine the voting process.

According to some critics, one election observer has stumbled on the bombshell proof that Clinton attempted to rig the election they’d been waiting for.

During the controversial Wisconsin election recount forced by Green Party candidate Jill Stein initiated Friday, one observer noticed a number of small stickers that were torn on the election machines -- and the implications are alarming.

A volunteer election observer going by the name Wendy reported that in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, five of the nine machines being used in the recount have tampered seals.

She posted four pictures as evidence to prove it -- two of the broken seals, and the corresponding machine’s serial numbers.

This isn’t the first time Wisconsin voting results have been highly controversial, either. In April, Trump supporters accused the establishment of rigging the primary against their candidate.

Additionally, there remains widespread belief among Trump supporters that the president-elect received a greater share of votes than was reported.

In Wisconsin, Trump won by a razor thin 0.8%.
It depends how one calculates it, I suppose. Mr. Trump got 27,257 votes more than Mrs. Clinton, which the way I calculated it is 1.94% more. The recount doesn't seem to be changing those numbers much.
If voting machines were indeed tampered with, as this election recount observer’s pictures imply, that belief gains significant credibility.
Once President Trump has been sworn in, the Republican governor of Wisconsin can get on with cleaning up the voter rolls and recertifying all the voting machines.

Posted by: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy 2016-12-06