
NY Mag: Women Distraught Over Trump Are Cutting Off Their Hair
New York magazine reported Monday that many women in Washington D.C. are dealing with President-elect Donald Trump’s victory by cutting or dying their hair.

Julianna Evans, who works for a performing-arts company, told NY magazine that she "cried for three days" following Trump’s win. She said, "it was catastrophic."

Despite being distraught over Trump’s victory, Evans did not lose her will. NY Magazine wrote that Evans, "put on her big-girl panties and dragged herself to the drugstore." She then bravely grabbed "Natural Black box by Garnier." Evans said, "I was like, fuck it! The election deadened my soul. I think I wanted to do something defiant to feel stronger."
How empowering!
Evans added, "For many of us, with this election, it’s like your boyfriend dumped you in a really shocking way with no explanation and then moved in next door."

She said, "Now, I feel like my hair says you can’t bring me down. This misogyny will not persevere. The bumper sticker for me is, ’I am woman, hear me roar.'"
Marion Jacobs, a former psychology professor at University of California, Los Angeles, spoke to New York about the supposed hair change phenomenon. She said, "People will use all kinds of abnormal foolish coping mechanisms, and cutting their hair and changing their look is one way to show or feel that they are doing something over which they have control."

Nicole Butler, who dyes hair at a D.C. salon, told NY magazine, "When you see that much blonde hair on the floor, you know something is going on."
Now there's a statement on which we both agree...
Butler said her salon has been facing a deluge of appointments for women "asking for a drastic change." "It was like a mass declaration of independence," Butler said. "Maybe this is some kind of compensation for not getting what we wanted in the election. By changing our hair, we can control the outcome."
The outcome of what, exactly?
Another hair stylist Mariangela Moore told New York that women have been trying to become unattractive to rebel against Trump. "One of my clients said, ’Think of Melania Trump and go in in the opposite direction,'" Moore said.
Yeah, that'l work.
This election is the gift that keeps on giving...

Posted by: Ebbating Throger7853 2016-12-07