
Reid predicts death of filibuster
[POLITICO] Senate Democrats are about to get rolled on Donald Trump
...New York real estate developer, described by Dems as illiterate, racist, misogynistic, and what ever other unpleasant descriptions they can think of, elected by the rest of us as 45th President of the United States...
’s Cabinet picks. They could spend years in the minority. And instead of the GOP collapse that many expected on Nov. 8, it’s now Democrats soul-searching about what went wrong.

But as ... the charismatic senator-for-life from Nevada, currently majority leader ...
prepares to leave the Senate this month after 34 years in Washington, he says everything is just fine with his party, thank you.

To hear Reid tell it, the party’s electoral collapse wasn’t a result of poor messaging or even a bad candidate. It stemmed from looser campaign finance rules, FBI Director James Comey and the influence of a few powerful individuals -- namely the Koch brothers, his long-running nemeses. The outgoing Senate minority leader is unapologetic on behalf of his party, and remains resolute that Democrats don’t need to chart a new political course after their 2016 debacle.

"They have Trump, I understand that. But I don’t think the Democratic Party is in that big of trouble," Reid said in a half-hour interview with Politico on Wednesday, one day before he’ll deliver his farewell address. "I mean, if Comey kept his mouth shut, we would have picked up a couple more Senate seats and we probably would have elected Hillary."

And Reid not only refused to admit any misgivings about invoking the "nuclear option" for most nominations -- a move that’s backfiring now by empowering Republicans -- he predicted it’s just a matter of time before the filibuster is done away with altogether.

Though the filibuster is Democrats’ best weapon against Trump, Reid said it would be a "mistake" for his party to reflexively oppose whatever Trump proposes. But the outgoing minority leader also wants Democrats to stand firm for their core principles, urging politicians to do "everything in their power" to block "wacky" Supreme Court nominees and to not be "complicit" in supporting GOP priorities like tax cuts for the rich and repealing Obamacare
... aka the Affordable Care Act, an ineptly designed and worse executed piece of legislation designed to bring 17 percent of the U.S. economy under the direct control of the government. The previous iteration, known as Hillarycare, was laughed out of Washington. This stinker was passed on a party-line vote without being read...
Posted by: Fred 2016-12-09