
Changing attitudes in the UK
[DAWN] The pressure on British Moslems to integrate more fully into British society is intensifying. For decades many Moslem holy mans and their followers in the UK believed that if they kept a low profile they would be left alone to pursue their lives as they saw fit.
If you leave your Islamic sewer in search of a better life, you won't find it by trying to bring the sewer with you.
But the mood is changing. Violent jihadists’ terror attacks, pushback against the increasingly assertive attitudes of some young British Moslems and the growth of English nationalism have together resulted in demands that British Moslems do more to internalise British values. Complaints about racism and Islamophobia
...the irrational fear that Moslems will act the way they usually do...
, which once silenced people who raised such issues, are making ever less impact.
Posted by: Fred 2016-12-10