
Trump and the rage of the Brahmandarins
h/t Instapundit
In recent weeks, we have witnessed ever-more cartoonish examples of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Even those of us who have been sharply critical of Trump (such as www.thelibertyzone.us) are staring on with a kind of revulsed fascination as our chattering class descends ever deeper into the pits of insanity. So do those who merely voted against Hillary rather than for Trump, such as the razor-sharp "Dystopic" or the underrated historical novelist Roy M. Griffis.

...As I was perusing Trump’s cabinet list in the Times of London the other day, I was struck not so much by the names -- some ’feck yeah!’, some ’well, OK’, some ’meh’ -- as by what wasn’t there. The ’Brahmandarins™’ had been left behind, as it were. Allow me to expand.

...Now how does this tie in with Trump and his cabinet? In the last several Presidential elections, Brahmandarin D candidates (Obama, Hillary) were pitted against Kshatriyas (McCain) or Vaishyas (Romney, Trump). While the D party used to be one with which particularly Shudras (laborers) could identify, over time it has increasingly become a patron-client coalition of Brahmandarins and Dalits.

...Fast-forward to the present. In the last several Presidential elections, Brahmandarin D candidates (Obama, Hillary) were pitted against Kshatriyas (McCain) or Vaishyas (Romney, Trump). Unsurprisingly, Brahmandarin presidents tend to appoint cabinet and senior aides from among the Brahmandarin caste, while Trump’s appointments came almost exclusively from the Vaishyas (Exxon CEO Tillerson for State, various other execs), and Kshatriyas (Mattis, Flynn, Kelly). It doesn’t matter that most of these people have real-world achievements to their names than a Robbie Mook type can only dream of: they are "ignorant" (read: insufficiently subservient to New Class shibboleths), "hate-filled", etc. -- All short-hand for "not one of us".
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2016-12-17