
WND: Ex-SECNAV comments on Kerry Personnel File
Middendorf said he cannot comment specifically on any action taken on Kerry, because he is barred, under the 1974 Privacy Act, from discussing personnel matters. However, he enthusiastically vouches for the character of Mark Sullivan, who formed the basis for a story today in the New York Sun by Thomas Lipscomb, the first to report discrepancies in Kerry's discharge record. Sullivan, who served in the secretary of the Navy's office in the Judge Advocate General Corps Reserve between 1975 and 1977, says the "honorable discharge" on the Kerry website appears to be a Carter administration substitute for an original action expunged from Kerry's record, Lipscomb reported. Asked by WorldNetDaily to address Sullivan's findings, Middendorf cited the Privacy Act. "I shouldn't comment other than to say I respect Mark Sullivan as one of the finest Navy officers we had."
Too little, too late. Why bother now?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis 2004-11-02