
Bush defeats Kerry in Florida
President Bush defeated John Kerry in Florida on Tuesday, staking a claim to the nation's top battleground state four years after it was the epicenter of a turbulent postelection drama. With 7,040 of 7,241 precincts reporting, Bush had 3,596,069 votes, or 52 percent, and Kerry, the Democratic nominee, had 3,270,250 votes, or 47 percent. Independent candidate Ralph Nader had 30,275 votes, or about 0.4 percent. Bush and Kerry's campaigns had prepared for the possibility of a Florida deja vu on an Election Day long anticipated here since Bush defeated Democrat Al Gore by a mere 537 votes in 2000. The election was finally resolved 36 days later by a U.S. Supreme Court ruling.
And they say generals always fight the last war...

Posted by: Fred 2004-11-03