
Paks hand over Uighur thug to Chinese
China said on Monday that Pakistan had handed over a key leader of Chinese Muslim separatists who fought alongside the Taliban. It said another 400 suspected fighters had been captured in Afghanistan or on their return to China.
I'd guess that translates into 400 deaders...
Ismail Kadir, who Beijing says helped spearhead a separatist Uighur movement in the north-western region of Xinjiang, was detained by Pakistan authorities as he attended a secret meeting in Kashmir, Xinjiang's Communist Party Secretary said. "There were 10 people in charge of the East Turkestan forces and Ismail Kadir was caught and is right now in our hands," Wang Lequan told reporters, adding that China had helped Pakistan confirm his identity. But Wang said Hasan Mahsum, who China alleges is the overseas ringleader of Chinese Muslims fighting for an independent state of East Turkestan in Xinjiang, remained at large.
That's okay for now. He's probably in Kashmir, too. Maybe the Indians'll hand him over, if he's not reduced to radioactive dust.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-28