
Problems with provisional ballots & machines
I know for a FACT there was FRAUD involving 'provisional ballots' by out-of-states registered Dem voters demanding to 'vote'.
Lawyers, election-rights activists and computer scientists fearing mayhem at the polls descended on Florida, Ohio and other battleground states Tuesday, vigilant for trouble with such contentious matters as provisional ballots and electronic voting machines. New rules, new voters and a tight presidential contest combined to create "a recipe for problems" and the likelihood that results won't be known for weeks, said Sean Greene, who was assigned to watch Cleveland polls for the Election Reform Information Project, a nonpartisan research group on election reform. Millions of newly registered voters may wrongly assume they can vote at any precinct in their city, town or county. State officials and courts have disagreed on whether provisional ballots are valid when a voter is at the wrong precinct.
Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-11-03