
Britain Rejects Ban on Smacking Children
After a passionate debate in the House of Commons, British lawmakers voted overwhelmingly Tuesday against banning parents from spanking their children. Some lawmakers argued that even mild spanking should be outlawed and insisted children should have the same legal protection as adults when it comes to being hit. But Prime Minister Tony Blair's government has shied away from an outright ban, fearing it will be accused of intruding into family affairs. Instead, ministers urged lawmakers to back legislation that would allow mild smacking but make it easier to prosecute parents who harm a child physically or mentally.

Lawmakers voted by 424-75 against an outright ban. They will vote later on the government proposal. "There is a world of difference between a light smack and violent abuse," said Minister for Children Margaret Hodge. Arguing against a ban, she said it would "leave parents wondering if a trivial smack would land them in prison." "A total ban on smacking could potentially criminalize most parents in this country," Hodge added. Britain is out of step on the issue with several European countries, including Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Austria, where all physical punishment of children is illegal. The current law in Britain dates to 1860, when a judge ruled physical punishment of children should be allowed as a "reasonable chastisement."
Posted by: Fred 2004-11-03