
Instapundit in the Guardian: Bush won despite MSM Bias
Pressed into place
The weakness of Bush as a candidate and the antipathy from the traditional US media made the result close. Bush was saved by the vibrancy and diversity of the internet, talk radio and cable news, writes US blogger Glenn Reynolds.
As I write this, it's all over bar the shouting, though the shouting may go on for a while. Kerry supporter Andrew Sullivan writes:
"IT'S OVER: President Bush is narrowly re-elected. It was a wild day with the biggest black eyes for exit pollsters. I wanted Kerry to win. I believed he'd be more able to unite the country at home, more fiscally conservative, more socially inclusive, and better able to rally the world in a more focused war on terror. I still do. But a slim majority of Americans disagreed. And I'm a big believer in the deep wisdom of the American people. They voted in huge numbers, and they made a judgment."

Blogger Stephen Green, noting that this time it's a Republican with a majority in the popular vote as well as the electoral college, observes: "Bush has obviously won the popular vote. If he was 'selected not elected' in 2000, then why on Earth would the Dems want to try to put Kerry in via lawsuits in 2004?"
Posted by: trailing wife 2004-11-03