
US forces use AC-130 Gunship(s) on Fallujah rebels
US forces have stepped up pressure on suspected rebel targets in Falluja late on Wednesday, using AC-130 aircraft and tanks to strike eastern and north-western areas of the city, witnesses said. The AC-130s were in action over the city for at least half an hour, coinciding with continuous shelling by tanks in the east of the city, they said. The bombardment was the heaviest inflicted on the city for several weeks, witnesses said.

Earlier on Wednesday, attacks by US warplanes sent up plumes of black smoke from the eastern edge of the rebel-held city, witnesses said. A woman was seriously wounded and a teenage girl lost her right leg in the strikes, hospital official Issam Mohammed said. There was no information on casualties from the Wednesday night attacks, but residents said US ground troops apparently remained at the edge of the city. Residents of Falluja, most of whom are thought to have fled the city, say daily US bombardments cause heavy civilian casualties and increase resentment against the United States, which is already high in the Sunni Muslim heartland.
Space here _______ for the reaction of the vaunted Arab Street™.

Posted by: ZoGg 2004-11-04