
Semper Fi!
Most Marines in the unit barely knew Pfc. Oscar A. Martinez; he'd been with the unit only a week before shipping off to Iraq. But on Oct. 25, I Marine Expeditionary Force Marines found out at Martinez's memorial service how disadvantaged he was as a youth, and the obstacles he overcame to become a Marine. They also learned that Martinez, killed Oct. 12 in Iraq, wasn't one to let those disadvantages get him down. On the contrary, he thrived in spite of them.

"He was (always) positive, never negative," Pfc. Erick Nez, a motor transport operator who new Martinez, said after the service, held at the South Mesa Chapel, where roughly 50 Marines in digital cammies gathered to mourn Martinez.

Martinez was a member of 3rd Material Readiness Battalion, based in Okinawa, Japan, and reported to I MEF Headquarters Group. He was an individual "augment" attached to I MEF to support Operation Iraqi Freedom II. "Allow yourself to mourn. Take the time to cry. Take the time to reflect. Allow yourself the time," Cmdr. Emilio Marrero, I MEF's deputy chaplain, said to the mourners. The somber crowd, some weeping softly, heard eulogies that shed light on Martinez.

He was born Nov. 1, 1984, in Dallas, to parents who were born in El Salvador. By age 9, both his parents were deceased, and his grandmother was raising him. Martinez's lifelong dream was to become a Marine -- and despite hurdles, he literally willed his way to the yellow footprints.

Martinez was overweight by Marine Corps standards, so "he trained to shed those extra pounds off," said Gunnery Sgt. Enrique Bernal, company gunnery sergeant for MHG. According to the Associated Press, Morena Martinez, his sister, said he began running around his block wearing garbage bags and sweat pants to lose the weight. Martinez's determination landed him on those yellow footprints on Dec. 2, 2003.

He was promoted to his rank of private first class on June 1. Martinez then deployed to Iraq in support of OIF II.

"He may not be with us, but he still wears that eagle, globe and anchor over his heart," said Capt. Jacob E. Berry, former MHG motor chief transport officer. Although not very familiar to I MHG and its Marines, his life and death has touched the hearts of those Marines. "He'll live on in our hearts and that's where I'll keep him," Nez said.

He is survived by his grandmother, Maria; sisters Morena and Marta; his brother, Ricardo; his uncle, Rene; and girlfriend, Carolina.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2004-11-04