
Israeli authorities build fence around Jerusalem
An Israeli Cabinet Minister said Tuesday that a fence currently being placed around Jerusalem is meant to stop Palestinian bombers, but some Israelis are complaining it amounts to redividing the city. The decision to build the fence around Jerusalem came after repeated Palestinian suicide bombing attacks in the Jewish section of the city. So far sections of five miles of the fence have been built, out of a planned 12 miles. Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza are banned from entering Jerusalem, but Palestinians, most looking for work, take roundabout routes to avoid roadblocks. Bombers and other attackers also find entrance easy.

Public Security Minister Uzi Landau, visiting a section of the fence, defended it against critics. "We are putting here some obstacles in order to facilitate the ability of our security forces to intercept suicide bombers," Landau said. "Nobody's speaking here about a border."
Seems like they should be...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-29