
Kidnappers threaten to hand Hassan over to al-Qaeda
An unknown militant group holding an Iraqi-British woman hostage in Iraq threatened to turn her over to a group led by al-Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi if Britain did not quit Iraq, al-Jazeera television reported. Zarqawi's group, al-Qaeda Organisation of Holy War in Iraq, is blamed for the bloodiest suicide attacks and hostage beheadings in Iraq. Al-Jazeera said it received a video tape from the group saying it would hand over Margaret Hassan to Zarqawi's group within 48 hours "if Britain does not meet its demands, mainly for the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq".
The Arab satellite channel aired a video with a masked man holding an automatic rifle and speaking, but there was no audio. It was the first time a militant from the group, which has not identified itself, appeared in a video. Al-Jazeera said it would not air the full tape which also showed Hassan making a plea. "Al-Jazeera will not air the video tape in full due to editorial and humanitarian reasons because of the state in which the hostage appears," the channel said, but did not elaborate.
Makes the hostage takers look that bad, huh?
Earlier, al-Jazeera spokesman Jihad Ballout told Reuters: "We do have a video tape of Margaret Hassan making a new appeal. We will not be broadcasting the tape because it has content which might be disturbing to some of our viewers." Al-Jazeera had on October 27 aired a video tape of Hassan, an aid worker who was seized by unknown kidnappers in Baghdad last month, urging Britain to withdraw its troops from Iraq and also to free Iraqi women prisoners.
That video had been the second such appeal by Hassan, the director of the Care International charity in Iraq. She is married to an Iraqi and has lived in the country for 30 years. Hassan was born in Dublin and holds British and Iraqi passports.
So, she's a Iraqi of British desent.
Last month, Zarqawi's group beheaded Briton Kenneth Bigley after releasing similarly desperate videos in which he pleaded for Blair to meet the demands of his captors. The British government has been even more tight-lipped over the fate of Hassan than it was with Bigley. After her kidnapping on October 19, Prime Minister Tony Blair and other senior officials repeated London's standard line - "We're doing all we can to help her".
On Tuesday, Hassan's Irish relatives said they had pleaded with Britain to meet the demands of her captors. "We are the Irish family of Margaret Hassan, and we are pleading with you to set her free," said Deirdre Fitzsimons, one of three sisters of the kidnapped woman who met Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern in Dublin. "We have listened to your demands and begged (British Prime Minister) Tony Blair and the British government to release the women prisoners and also not to move the troops, but we are Irish and we have no influence on the British government."
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-11-04