
Wikipedia deletes The People's Cube
This is only the beginning, folks.
The politically correct commissars at Wikipedia have succeeded in disappearing The People’s Cube, the best conservative satire site in America.

The site’s reference page at Wikipedia was deleted today. This is part of a disturbing trend in the world of social media. Non-leftist views are marginalized, and whenever possible, erased.

This kind of thing happens all the time at Wikipedia, an open-source online encyclopedia. Wikipedia may be fine on non-controversial subjects, like how King Henry VIII treated his wives or Charlemagne’s military campaigns in the Italian peninsula in the 8th century after the birth of Christ.

But digital despots guard pages that deal with political controversies and routinely censor views with which they don’t agree. That’s what happened here — and it’s a perfect illustration of why you should never ever ever donate any money to Wikipedia which has its hand out all the time.

What’s unique about The People’s Cube (website link) is that it is written as if it were a media organ of the late Soviet Communist state. Even its graphics are Stalinist — and I mean that in the best possible way.

People’s Cube founder Oleg Atbashian, an actual former propagandist from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, suspects it all started when a leftist complained to Wikipedia in the hope of having the reference page erased from history.

The Left has won, at least for now.
More at the link
Posted by: badanov 2017-01-10