
India tells Pak to knock it off...
Pakistan must take urgent steps to halt cross-border terrorism and rein in Islamic insurgents in Kashmir, India's foreign minister said Wednesday. Jaswant Singh said that Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf had been given enough time to fulfill his pledges to halt terrorism by militants operating from Pakistani soil. "It is vital that he recognizes the urgency of the situation," Singh told reporters at a joint news conference with British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw. "India has waited patiently for the fulfillment of those commitments, which are vital for peace."
This is diplomatic talk for "if you don't do it, we're going to hit you."
Pakistan denies arming or funding the militants, saying it only provides them with "moral" support.
About 65 percent of the moral support is 7.62mm. There are smaller quantities of the 5.56mm moral support, for the more recent generation of Desperation®, and the 82mm moral support for company-sized Acts of Depair™. 122mm moral support is also very effective for General Unhappiness at longer ranges, and you can set them to launch with a timer.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-05-29