
Wasserman Schultz Confronted Comey During Classified Briefing
The former chair of the Democratic National Committee confronted FBI Director James Comey on Friday during a classified intelligence briefing.

The confidential briefing was focused on the Russian hacking of Democratic Party organization which was geared toward tilting the election to Donald Trump’s favor. Democrats left the meeting angered and ’outraged’ earlier on Friday.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz was forced to resign her post as chair of the DNC last summer amid the hacking scandal, told Comey that he should have come to her directly once the FBI was aware of the breach, just as he had done with other hacking victims.

Comey, who is described as being unflinching and defiant during the heated meeting, stuck to his guns claiming that the FBI had properly notified DNC officials of the hacking.

"You let us down!" one Demcorat reportedly yelled to Comey during the tense exchange. Another Demorat said that "Essentially Debbie asked, how was it that the FBI knew that the DNC was being hacked and they didn’t tell her? He gave some bullsh‐ explanation, ’That’s our standard, we called this one, we called that one’ -- [she said] ’Well, why didn’t you call me?'"

The meeting left many Democrats even more critical of Comey, accusing hiim of applying a double standard in the agency’s approach to investigations involving President-elect Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton."
Continues at link.
Kindly recall Debbie, that the FBI asked to examine the DNC servers and you refused. Repeatedly...
The hotlink within the CitizenSlant.com article leads to another Citizen Slant article, and a web search using a key paragraph in each only points back to these articles.

Posted by: Blossom Unains5562 2017-01-14