
WAPO: A Hellscape of Lies Awaits Journalists Covering The Donald
Feelgood story of the day.
Now with executive powers, a compliant attorney general and a lily-livered Congress. Trump's reign will probably be awash in investigations and prosecutions of journalists for doing their jobs, stirring up the ugliest of class wars along the way.
It's our job to stir up ugly class wars.
He will relentlessly manipulate. For example, Trump's first news conference as president-elect last week featured a crowd of paid staffers who cheered his every statement, creating a false picture for viewers.
And what about all the photos of The Donald surrounded by a halo? Oh, wait...
Journalists are in for the fight of their lives. And they are going to have to be better than ever before, just to keep their phony-baloneydo their jobs.
The last resort: accurately reporting the news. No!!!
Posted by: Matt 2017-01-16