
Trump Orders EPA To Take Down Global Warming Web-Page
[DAILYCALLER] The Trump administration told the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take down its global warming webpage, an anonymous EPA staffer said.

"If the website goes dark, years of work we have done on climate change will disappear," the staffer told Rooters Tuesday. The staffer was not authorized to speak to the media and claimed EPA employees were scrambling to save data on the website.
If they give me a few dollars, barely a smidgen of their annual budget, I'd be happy to show them how to archive webpages and data from their databases. Something in the low seven digits should cover it nicely.
The EPA’s global warming webpage is currently still up as of Wednesday morning. The page contains some links to EPA’s data on carbon dioxide (CO2) as well as other greenhouse gas emissions and lists the effects the agency says global warming will have. The site doesn’t host much of the data, however, and only aggregates links to it.
So... The data they're scrambling to "save" is still there, just not on their website? So the benefit is either zero or near zero?
EPA was ordered Tuesday to stop handing out grants for projects and research on global warming, air quality monitoring and education, and the agency instructed employees not to discuss the spending freeze outside the agency, according to anonymous leaks to multiple media outlets.
Posted by: Fred 2017-01-26