
Daily Beast Editor: 'Non-Cosmopolitan Rural Voters For Trump are the Real Problem'
[LI] Message from MSNBC to you hicks out in the sticks: the people who gave us Le Pen, Brexit and now, Trump represent the "real problem." Unlike we city dwellers, you don’t "mix" and "get along together" with people from "cosmopolitan cultures."

That was the word from MSNBC contributor and Daily Beast Editor Christopher Dickey, speaking from Paris with Joy Reid today. Discussing the hold that President Trump has placed on immigration from seven named countries, Dickey began by claiming that people in Europe, especially in European governments, "think Trump has lost his mind."

Then there was the obligatory Hitler allusion: in Europe "they remember what fascism was like. In the United States, we’ve been spared that--at least up until now."

Then came the pièce de résistance--Dickey’s swipe at the great rural unwashed: "the voters who cast their ballots for Marine Le Pen, for Brexit, for Donald Trump, they’re not the people who are part of those cities, those cosmopolitan cultures where people mix and get along together. That is the real problem. That’s the divide we need to watch."

Reid was quick to agree: "yeah, absolutely."
Posted by: Besoeker 2017-01-30