
The best guide to what Donald Trump would do as president
h/t Instapundit

Republicans hoped he would turn out to be a conventional conservative. Democrats hoped he would not do anything too drastic, and maybe even strike a few deals.

But the best guide to what Donald Trump would do as president appears to be what he said he would do as president.

..."People are just not prepared for the fact that we’re not dealing with a regular Republican-versus-Democrat battle here, we’re dealing with an administration that in its first week has demonstrated that it doesn’t have much respect for the rule of law," Schneiderman said. "We’re in for a bigger challenge to our constitutional fabric than we’ve faced in a very long time in this country."
Of course we know that people like Schneiderman invent "the Law" as they go along
Posted by: g(r)omgoru 2017-01-31