
The diaries of a British jihadi bride in Syria under ISIS
[EN.ZAMANALWSL.NET] A British housewife who fled to Syria with her jihadi husband appears to have penned a hate-filled diary describing life as a housewife under ISIS's barbaric regime.

Under the nom de guerre Umm Ibrahim al-Brit, she tells how the bodies of women and kiddies lay piled on the dusty streets following Arclight airstrikes by 'kuffar' (non believers) - and how her husband recruits others to wage jihad against the West.

She also describes how she listens to an audiobook of the Koran through earphones to drown out the sound of falling Russian bombing raids at night.

'The Russian kuffar bombed - killing 100 people and injuring many,' she wrote on encrypted messaging service Telegram.

In posts seen by MailOnline, Umm Ibrahim spews bully boy propaganda and encourages other families to join her family in Syria and wage jihad against the West.

'Every breath I take my hatred for them [non believers] increases,' she wrote on New Year's Eve.

'We just missed an Arclight airstrike today. Kuffar going crazy. May Allah destroy them,' she said a few weeks earlier.

Her first post appeared on December 7 and she claims her diary, which has not been independently verified, is 'so anybody thinking of making hijrah [journey] can benefit from it'.

Umm Ibrahim claims to have enjoyed a comfortable middle-class life in the UK before her husband was brainwashed by former al-Qaeda recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki
... Born in Las Cruces, New Mexico, zapped in Yemen, al-Awlaki was a dual citizen of the U.S. and Yemen. He was an Islamic holy man who was a trainer for al-Qaeda and its franchises. His sermons were attended by three of the 9/11 hijackers, by Fort Hood murderer Nidal Malik Hussein, and Undieboomer Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. He was the first U.S. citizen ever placed on a CIA target list...
, who was killed in a US dronezap in 2011.

'After many years of a well settled life, me being a housewife and him doing a very nice job, kids going in a private (so called Islamic school), owning a house at a very young age, cars, every type of luxury and comfort one can imagine Allah being the best of planners had planned something for us we had not even thought of.'

While plotting to join ISIS, she says her husband travelled to The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire....
several times to establish the best route to Syria.

His last visit to Turkey before the family fled the UK is believed to have come in June 2014, shortly before ISIS leader His Supreme Immensity, Caliph of the Faithful and Galactic Overlord, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
...formerly merely the head of ISIL and a veteran of the Bagram jailhouse. Looks like a new messiah to bajillions of Moslems, like just another dead-eyed mass murder to the rest of us...
announced the so called caliphate in Iraq and Syria.

'Soon after this visit the [caliphate] was announced and now there was no option for us to stay back,' according to her posts which have been monitored by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

'We had given bayah [loyalty] to the Khalifah straight away without any doubts in our hearts and wanted to live under the shade of Shariah as soon as we could.'

Umm Ibrahim is believed to have taken her sick mother-in-law to Pakistain before the pair returned back to the UK to make final preparations to travel to Syria. The family lived in Turkey for four months before getting the 'green light' to enter the country.

Although the family's identity is unknown, several British families have left the safety of Britannia to join the terror group in the last few years.

Among them in 2015 was a Moslem couple from Bradford who fled to Syria with their five young children, a family of 12 and a mother who took her five young children to join her brother fighting for Isis.

Umm Ibrahim claims crossing the border was 'the happiest moment of our lives' but even her propaganda-heavy posts reveal the true horror of living in ISIS territory, where families go days without water and locals are executed in public squares in front of baying mobs.

In a chilling post on December 31, she wrote: 'Me and my husband were about to leave for the market. The Russian kuffar bombed it killing 100 people and injuring many.

'We sat there with heavy hearts and hatred for these filthy kuffar. Every breath I take my hatred for them increases.

'Dead bodies were placed in a car park. Only two mins away from our house. Six days later people were still taking out the bodies of deaders from the rubble.

'Mostly killed were women and kiddies.Ya Rab [oh Allah] destroy them and make their lives miserable with the most harshest of your punishments.'

She also describes the journey to the so-called 'caliphate' in a white van crammed with other families - and how she was shocked to see so many refugees heading in the opposite direction.

Umm Ibrahim says she met many other Moslem families from different nations travelling to join ISIS, including a Russian single mother whom she describes as 'being close to her heart'.

She says she was very happy to meet jihadi fighters for the first time, saying: 'Four men were accompanying us in the van with their weapons. The feeling of seeing the first mujahids and the first weapons was amazing.'

Eventually the family was taken to a large house which they shared with several other families, where her husband was chosen as the head of the household and Umm Ibrahim was put in charge of cooking for the fighters.

'My husband being the ameer of the house had to make lists of everything and stick them on walls, she wrote. 'He divided duties of all the house work between the women.

'I used to tell my husband how I wish to cook for mujahideen. And here I was cooking for muhajireen and mujahideen,' she wrote on January 5.

Ten days later she described the house as 'very spacious', claiming it had 'four big bedrooms, a big hall room, a very big kitchen, two bathrooms and a big balcony'.

Umm Ibrahim added: 'The glass from most of the windows and doors were broken and some walls had bullet holes in them.

'The first night in such a big house wasn't easy. On the top most floor of the building [you could hear] sounds of planes and a lot of noise of the wind. I had never witnessed such winds. I couldn't sleep properly.

'The next day was better, but the night was even more tough. May Allah reward my husband who gave me ear phones to listen to the Koran all night. I was saved from listening to the sounds of the planes and the screaming of the winds.'

In her posts she has also told how the man who lured them to Syria was tossed in the calaboose
Yez got nuttin' on me, coppers! Nuttin'!
in Turkey - and how her husband was working as an ISIS recruiter.

She wrote: 'My husband worked really hard day and night to help people come to Shaam [Greater Syria]. After hard work and lots of duas, Allah helped in bringing the first group of muhajireen.

'They came to stay with us in our house. From 17 we became 28! Alhamdulilah [thank God] the house wasn't that small so we managed to accommodate them all.

Umm Ibrahim says that, before her husband was brainwashed by al-Awlaki's sermons, she did not really understand Islam because she was raised by a single mother in Britannia.

She explained: 'Though being born in a Moslem household I wasn't taught anything about true Islam. All I knew was we had to pray five times a day and recite the Koran.

'After meeting the most precious person of my life [my husband] my life changed completely Alhamdulilah [praise be to God].'

She adds: 'Alhamdulilah [thank God] for the lectures from Imam Anwar al Awlaqi.

'They changed my husband's ways. Over a small period of time things became really clear in front of us.

'Life is a test from Allah. Either we fail and are thrown in the dreaded fire or we pass and are entered in the best of places.'
Posted by: Fred 2017-02-04