
Arafat Has Liver Failure, Officials Say
I am no doctor, but that doesn't sound good.
Yasser Arafat lay dead critically ill with liver failure on Sunday and his condition was getting no better, a Palestinian official said, as Palestinian leaders adopted in his absence a plan to restore order in their areas. Israel completed preparations to bury the Palestinian president, should he die, in the Gaza Strip -- a move that would contradict Arafat's stated desire to be buried in Jerusalem.
Like the Rolling Stones Said, "You can't always get what you want."
Amid growing concern over who will succeed the 75-year-old leader, who is being treated at a French military hospital, some aides said his condition was so bad he might be moved to Egypt, from where he could be flown home more quickly if he died.
Some are concerned others are eating microwave popcorn. I am partial to caramel myself.
In Ramallah, site of Arafat's headquarters, his fellow leaders decided to carry out a plan to restore law and order in the West Bank and Gaza, a government minister said. It was the first major decision they have announced since Arafat left.
The plan is to kill each other and see who is the last man standing.
Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie came under pressure from the armed factions on Saturday to give them decision-making powers in a temporary unified leadership they want if Arafat dies. He did not say he had agreed.
Popcorn anyone? I just nuked some.
Posted by: Ol_Dirty_American 2004-11-07