
Portland police charge left-wing protesters blocking a public bus [Justice Porn]
My country 'tis of thee...(tears)

A couple of reactions from viewing this video. Trump made the mask slip and many people are finally realizing just what the Left really is.
I switched my ideology pretty hard in the last year. I was never antifa level left wing but I did vote Trudeau. I think what did it was the fact that people my age were mostly raised to believe that the right wing is "the evil party" and that if only they would step out of the way the left wing could solve all the worlds problems. The riots and the general reaction from friends and family to Trumps election snapped me out of the illusion. It caused me to go back and question my beliefs on certain issues without the bias of left wing good, right wing bad and I came out around centre-right.

To sum up, it changed my perception and my perception was the basis of most of my beliefs.

I've moved gradually to a much more libertarian perspective over the past 4 years, whereas I was more or less a passive Liberal for a long time. Gamer gate really opened my eyes to what had become of the Left in America, and since then I've seen it pull really far away from Liberalism. In a way I'm grateful for that because it's made me reexamine my own understanding of Liberty and America.

Posted by: Herb McCoy7309 2017-02-08