
More details of Sammy's paranoia emerge
Details about Saddam Hussein's aversion to telephones and how he ruled Iraq are emerging from thousands of pages of U.S. intelligence. In one January 1991 audiotape acquired by the CIA's Iraq survey group, Saddam makes obvious reference to weapons that have apparently since disappeared. "I want to make sure that ... the germ and chemical warheads ... are available, so that in case we ordered an attack, they can do it without missing any of their targets?" he asked.

He apparently developed an aversion to telephones following the Gulf War. By his own account, he used a phone only twice in the past 14 years, for fear of being pinpointed for U.S. attack. Investigators also learned Saddam personally approved the list of foreigners and foreign firms eligible for secret oil allocations as part of the U.N. oil-for-food program. "This is a very cagey guy," said a U.S. official with access to debriefing transcripts. The Christian Science Monitor said at his upcoming trial, the new Iraqi government will likely portray him as not so much a cartoonish tyrant as a detail-oriented executive, a strongman personally responsible for the evils and excesses of his regime.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-11-08