
ElBaradei optimistic on Iranian nuclear agreement
The United Nation's nuclear watchdog chief said on Monday he was cautiously optimistic over a tentative deal between Iran and the European Union's three big powers regarding Tehran's disputed nuclear program. Mohamed ElBaradei, chief of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said he still had to confirm details of the agreement, but hoped it included the suspension of uranium enrichment programs in Iran as a sign of good faith by Tehran. "I am told it is still a very tentative agreement, it has still not yet been confirmed," ElBaradei told a news conference in Sydney. "I would hope that this would lead to the desired outcome, which is Iran to suspend processing and enrichment activities and open the way for the normalization of Iran's relations with the international community. What the international community is asking Iran, that at least for now, (is) suspend enrichment activities as a confidence building measure. We are cautiously optimistic we are moving in that direction."
Yeah. Right. Build my confidence.
Iranian and EU officials said on Sunday a deal had been struck between Iran, Britain, Germany and France after two days of talks in Paris that could see Tehran avert U.N. Security Council sanctions over its disputed nuclear program. Under the deal Iran would freeze all nuclear fuel enrichment and reprocessing activities until it has reached a final agreement with the EU over a package of economic, technological and security incentives in return for abandoning potentially weapons-related nuclear activities, the diplomats said. The deal now awaits the go-ahead from Iran's clerical leadership, EU diplomatic sources told Reuters.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-11-08