
China Stole Our Actual Factory Tooling for Building F-22 Raptors
by Lone Ranger

Watch the 5 minute and 20 second video at https://youtu.be/yAlS7-t96KE

First (minor) observation: the "ANONYMOUS" narrator reading the script.

Then ‐ note the story from 1:39 to 2:48.

Then think back to when you first heard about this same scandal. What’s that? You never heard about it either? Hmmmmm.

As the narrator recites earlier in the piece, the F-22 Raptor was simply unmatched for its stealth, speed, maneuverability, altitude, and sensors.

Yet, via a masterful series of chess moves someone managed to:

1. Get all critically sensitive manufacturing technology isolated, with both the physical tooling, and matching detailed instructions for manufacturing, co-located IN SHIPPING CONTAINERS.

2. Ensure that no one was effectively watching those containers.

3. STEAL the friggin’ containers and ship them to ......... China

4. Delay the discovery of the theft.

5. Once the theft was discovered, BURY that revelation so that hardly anyone heard about it

We can’t build any more F-22 Raptors because we GIFTED all of the most sensitive manufacturing technology to China (with bows on it). US taxpayers (as usual) funded China’s development of it Chengdu J-20 (or, possibly, Russia’s PAK-FA).

Then try Googling "theft of sensitive tooling for F-22 Raptor" ‐ and all you come up with is articles about China "hacking" our technology.

When you "hack" someone’s "technology", you get it ‐ but they still have it, as well. This was not a "hack" ‐ copying some plans. This was systematically stealing our entire factory, such that we cannot make the critical parts of our own plane anymore ‐ but THEY can!!!
Posted by: Lone Ranger 2017-02-22